Meet Kevin Guzman | Singer

1). Why did you pursue a creative career?

I decided to embark and continue on this artistic career path because I simply love the arts. I love to sing and I think I do a pretty good job at it. I love to act. I always loved watching spanish soap operas as a kid and wanting to do something like that. I love cinematography and the way one can tell a story through images. It's a tough business to get into and I think a lot of artists forget that being an “artist” is also being a brand. You have to sell yourself to the public and grab their attention so you can hopefully one day monetize your art which in turn helps fund your projects.

2). What should our readers know about you and your art?

My art whether it's the music I compose and perform or the music videos I help curate represent a small morsel of who I am. I’m a person that doesn’t mind being in the public spotlight but I also love being by myself. The melodies and lyrics you’ll hear from me are a little insight of the life I’ve lived, will live or aspire to live in. Some songs might just be stories that I made up because I love writing an engaging story. But there will be something about me in it, and the audience will have to figure out what’s fiction and nonfiction.

 My goal first and foremost is to make a living from what I love to do, which is singing and writing music. I want to be able to take care of my family and help my friends. I honestly don’t really care about being famous. Is it nice to be recognized and admired? Hell yeah, it’s a blessing to get to that point. But I’m not an attention whore dying to get to that point. I just want people to listen and enjoy my music, the fame and everything that comes with it are just the extra things that will be a result of the fruit of my labor. I definitely want to be an international star, I want to sing in every country on every continent on earth. Perform on the biggest stages and meet a lot of people along the way. I love to create memories wherever I go and I hope to create new and incredible memories here in Philly and beyond. P.S. I’ve also made it my life’s goal to be the first artist to do a live performance from space so yeah I’ve got a lot of work to do!

4). What was your thought process behind creating music?

When I write a song, there are two ways I approach it. I either think about a concept that I’ve dealt with or an idea I’ve been thinking of exploring. Or I just start playing the piano and come up with a melody with no thought into it. It honestly depends on the mood, day and time. But once I have a melody somewhat down I start adding other instruments on top then I look for a percussive beat that gives it the heartbeat and from there I start playing with words. Sometimes it’s just me making noises or sometimes the words come flowing like rivers into an ocean. You can’t rush good art even though sometimes I wish to God I could write songs immediately as soon as I open my mouth lol.

5). What are the important things to you, in life?

My family first and foremost. I do and am able to do this because my family has been the backbone and support of my musical endeavors. I would not be here without their love and faith in me. I’ve promised them I will be successful in this and I don’t plan letting them and myself down. Financial security is also very important. I hate being that type of person that be like “yeah man I came from nothing bruh thats why I do what I need to do.” Like I said I will be as open to the public as possible because I love being real with my audience and showing them that I’m still a human being. That being said I definitely did not grow up the easiest life but I will keep it at that. The past is the past and it doesn’t matter anymore, I don’t dwell on it and I live in the present and work hard to create a future that I will be content with. Being content with myself and the work I’m producing is important to my life.

6). Give some advice for upcoming artists wanting to follow a career in the arts.

My advice to up and coming artists wanting to dive head first into this industry. Know yourself as an artist, what are your strongest and weakest aspects and work on them. Whether by yourself or with help. Don’t think you can come do all this by yourself. You might be able to do it for a little but I’m telling you, you need to find yourself people who believe in your vision and who are willing to help you. And remember to be proud of the talent God has given you, we are all blessed with different levels of talent but never compare yourself with someone else. The only competition against you are your insecurities and doubts. Tell them to fuck off and work towards your goals. You got this!

7). Art Album is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shout out?

So many people to shout-out… Shout out to you mom, you are always number 1 in my books. Shout out to you too dad, we may not have had a great relationship but at the end of the day you’re still my father and I will respect that. To all my friends and family here in the US and outside this country who have helped me become a better and wiser man/musician. I’ve had the blessing of being accepted and loved wherever I go and I am so grateful for that. If you were a part of my life whether it was through music or just being my neighbor. Thank you for having crossed paths with me. Muchas gracias a todos los que han formado parte de mi vida, los quiero mucho, que Dios los bendiga y espero que nos veamos muy pronto.


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